Consultancy services

We offer a full suite of end-to-end consulting services from strategy to implementation


Develop the right business strategy addressing, e.g., changing customer needs, digital opportunities, competitive position, strategic product dilemmas, business model, risk management.

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Take the product portfolio to the next level through innovation. Invent completely new products. Maximize value from the existing product portfolio through disciplined product lifecycle management.

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Improve market access, customer experience, pricing, sales via topline growth levers, e.g., clearer positioning, pipeline management, integrated human/digital sales model.

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Capture business value from new digital and technology trends, modernise core platforms and execute digital transformation programmes, including business cases.

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Streamline core operations and save cost or realign with customer expectations. This includes, e.g., customer service setup, production setup, procurement, supply chain and support functions.

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Rethink the organisational structure to put focus on the right profit streams. Reap the benefits of being both dynamic & speedy as well as efficient & scalable by embracing agile organisational design principles.

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How we engage with clients

We engage end-to-end with our clients on their strategies:

Strategic reviews: Performing reviews of areas you think are critical to the business. This involves "hostile reviews" of areas you perceive as running smoothly or general reviews. Typically 3 weeks duration.

Executive awareness creation: Sometimes you need a common language and understanding in the leadership group of a mega-trend before you dive into the actual issues for your company. Our executive awareness workshops are effective at achieving this. Typically, 1 session of 4 hours with your leadership team, plus preparation.

Strategic dilemmas & issues workshops: These workshops are pinning down the strategic problems the company is facing before launching a process to solve them. Typically, 2 workshops of 4 hours each plus interviews with your leadership team members as preparation.

Business cases & pitches: When you want to launch a new product or business we help you develop the correct business cases or pitch decks to make this happen, including investors/JV decks. Typically, 1-2 months depending on scope.

Strategy development: The bulk of our work is centered around developing strategies for our clients on specific topics. This typically takes 3-4 months depending on the scope. We also help clients develop communication material to mobilise an organisational change. 

Implementation: We participate in and monitor implementation of strategies often at the same time as they are being shaped. This includes digital implementation projects, training, performance dashboard development and change management.


Our service areas

Our service areas above represent our clients' current needs and our capabilities.

However, most client problems would involve aspects from several service areas as the underlying root causes are diagnosed. We do not, like most other consultancies, work with practice teams with consultants permanently pigeonholed to repeat work in the same service line.

The core is the problem we are solving for, not the service areas.

Within each service area, please read about the key strategic challenges we see clients face, our services offered and examples of our proprietary concepts and methods.