
Sorting out the dilemmas you know now while building in sensibility and agility to address market volatility

Key challenges

Defining strategic intent without implementation is pointless, but implementation without intent is purposeless. In today's business environment companies should do both in parallel, define their strategy and put it to action as fast as possible, in incremental steps. Some of the key challenges they face are, e.g.:

  • How do you strike the right balance between a medium-term strategic direction and a short-term action plan?
  • Should you choose between a problem focused strategy or a 360 degrees strategy?
  • How should companies think about strategy given the many approaches out there, e.g., core competences, playing to win, moon shots, light houses, must-win battles?
  • Should you develop an inside-out or outside-in strategy?
  • How real is the risk of digital disruption and how should that affect the strategy?
  • How do you manage risk, e.g., strategic/market/operational and environment risks and managing those risks in alignment with risk appetite?


Our services

We work with corporate executives on formulating and implementing the overall strategy for the multi-national group, for a business unit, a customer or product segment. Naturally, this includes exploiting digital & technology opportunities where relevant.

Services include: 

  • Corporate strategy
  • Business unit strategy
  • Growth strategy, incl. market segmentation, competitor analysis
  • Business development
  • Product innovation strategy,
  • M&A screening, due diligence and post-merger integration,
  • Digital/IT strategy & transformation,
  • Turnaround strategy & cost reset,
  • Sustainability strategy,
  • Risk management

Most relevant for: CEO, CFO, CIO, CCO, CSO, Head of Business Unit or Head of R&D, Chief Data Officer, Head of Business Transformation


Examples of our proprietary concepts and methods 

  • Comprehensive framework for exploring an extensive set of possibilities for growth and increased competitive advantage
  • Systematic and 360 degree external and internal strategic review and strategy development
  • Concept and method for product portfolio development strategy
  • Digital innovation for value & experimentation, a set of structured approaches and processes for unlocking the opportunities of digitisation
  • An approach and tools for advanced business case development for winning proposals
  • Activity area cost & transaction analysis, including internal and external benchmarking
  • Concept for performing due diligence of a business unit
  • Structured innovation approach, processes and cultural change techniques
  • Cross-roads risk sensor framework
  • Risk assessment templates
  • Predefined risk policy examples
  • Proven risk governance setups
  • Case library

Selected case studies

Improving Commercial Performance in Large Software Development Firm

Improving Commercial Performance in Large Software Development Firm

Rethinking go-to-market approach and ensuring a smooth transition towards it

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Design of New Project Governance Model

Design of New Project Governance Model

The client was managing a multi-billion portfolio of investment projects, which they were also implementing. As the busi…

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Go-To-Market Strategy for a Groundbreaking Engineering Innovation

Go-To-Market Strategy for a Groundbreaking Engineering Innovation

A US based technology company wanted to find the best way to approach the market for a groundbreaking innovation within…

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Product Strategy for an Industrial Company

Product Strategy for an Industrial Company

A business unit of a large industrial conglomerate of Danish origin was unsure where to invest future R&D spend to meet…

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Carve-Out & Divestment of a Business Division

Carve-Out & Divestment of a Business Division

A private equity firm wanted to carve-out and divest part of one of its portfolio companies. A detailed planning and rig…

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International Growth Strategy for an Offshore Service Provider

International Growth Strategy for an Offshore Service Provider

A large and complex multi-service provider to the offshore energy sector was determined to improve its top line growth a…

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Growth Strategy and New Operating Model for a Leading Supplier of Spare Parts and Services

Growth Strategy and New Operating Model for a Leading Supplier of Spare Parts and Services

A global supplier of aviation spare parts had invested heavily in global processes and technology, but had not seen sign…

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Exploring Untapped Market Opportunities in Biotech

Exploring Untapped Market Opportunities in Biotech

Exploring new application areas for biotech technologies

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Digital Transformation For a Cooperative of Retail Banks

Digital Transformation For a Cooperative of Retail Banks

A cooperative of Scandinavian retail banks faced a radically changing end user digitalisation behaviour, increased opera…

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Tech Strategy for Large Northern European Telecom Company

Tech Strategy for Large Northern European Telecom Company

A large Northern European telecom provider required a clear business IT strategy to support business ambitions and prepa…

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Improving Commercial Setup in Major UK Energy Company

Improving Commercial Setup in Major UK Energy Company

A large company in the UK energy market, while expecting a period of growth and transformation, was determined to improv…

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Selected perspectives

Multi-Room Audio: Which Suppliers Will Listen?

Multi-Room Audio: Which Suppliers Will Listen?

April 2020

The multi-room audio industry is crowded and highly competitive. How do manufacturers continue to set their products apa…

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Bots on the Loose: How Forgotten Software Logic Gets Companies into Trouble

Bots on the Loose: How Forgotten Software Logic Gets Companies into Trouble

September 2020

Software robots are invading businesses and public institutions. Many companies have forgotten what they told the bots t…

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Towards Agile Innovation: Key R&D Models for the Next Decade

Towards Agile Innovation: Key R&D Models for the Next Decade

February 2020

With companies under increasing pressure to innovate, what is the most effective R&D approach for the future? A strategi…

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An Economic Down-Turn Creates Momentum to Streamline the IT Portfolio

An Economic Down-Turn Creates Momentum to Streamline the IT Portfolio

November 2012

Take advantage of a challenging economic climate to construct a more valuable and less risky IT project portfolio.

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Think Outside the Organisational Box

Think Outside the Organisational Box

January 2013

Managers should spend their time differently after a big organisational change.

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Fashion Retail: Shaping the Role of the Digital Twin

Fashion Retail: Shaping the Role of the Digital Twin

February 2020

Almost all fashion retailers have moved online. But will e-commerce really make retail stores redundant? Three major str…

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Four Difficult Leadership Situations in Technology Companies

Four Difficult Leadership Situations in Technology Companies

March 2020

The role of the CEO in a technology company is highly challenging. Four situations are especially difficult. Fortunately…

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Smart Homes: Clever Strategies Needed

Smart Homes: Clever Strategies Needed

July 2024

Three competitive battles are likely to play out in the near future as the war for convenience, design and sustainabilit…

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Acquisition Machines: Succeeding with Repeatable M&A

Acquisition Machines: Succeeding with Repeatable M&A

August 2020

Repeatable M&A requires different capabilities than getting a one-off transaction right every 5-10 years.

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Telco TV Disruption: What Other Industries Can Learn

Telco TV Disruption: What Other Industries Can Learn

January 2020

Telcos long ago disrupted traditional TV broadcasters but are now hit by three disruptions themselves. Other industries…

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Making Decisions in an International Management Team

Making Decisions in an International Management Team

October 2015

Make better and quicker decisions by using an approach that fits both the corporate and national business culture.

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Big Data: The Six I’s to Value Impact

Big Data: The Six I’s to Value Impact

April 2016

Sorting out how to leverage Big Data in a business strategy is just as crucial as dealing with its voluminous nature.

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Sailing 7 Waves of Computing Innovations for Maximum Business Impact

Sailing 7 Waves of Computing Innovations for Maximum Business Impact

January 2020

Innovations in computing and provider models have over decades taken executives for a ride. But when not managed careful…

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Profitable Tech Products: Escaping the Organic Growth 'Comfort Zone'

Profitable Tech Products: Escaping the Organic Growth 'Comfort Zone'

July 2024

Stepping outside of the organic growth 'comfort zone' and improving portfolio structure and technology could be key to e…

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Customer Support Transformation: An Iterative & Value Focused Approach

Customer Support Transformation: An Iterative & Value Focused Approach

May 2021

There are many ways to modernise and transform a comprehensive customer support setup, but which levers should you execu…

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Preparing for Economic Decline: Proactively Increasing Cost Flexibility

Preparing for Economic Decline: Proactively Increasing Cost Flexibility

February 2020

The possibility of another global economic decline cannot be denied. Can companies proactively plan to soften the impact…

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Digital Business Models: Two-Thirds Are Fundamentally Unsound

Digital Business Models: Two-Thirds Are Fundamentally Unsound

February 2016

Digital businesses are innovative and disruptive but not always valuable and good for customers – Meet the Digital Illus…

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Getting Sourcing and Procurement Right in a Global Conglomerate

Getting Sourcing and Procurement Right in a Global Conglomerate

February 2012

If your purchasing employees are sourcing and your line managers are procuring, you are not exploiting your organisation…

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Moving to the Public Cloud: Overcoming the Business Challenges

Moving to the Public Cloud: Overcoming the Business Challenges

May 2021

Business challenges are often neglected when companies migrate to the public cloud. Addressing them is a prerequisite fo…

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Measuring Digital Success: Performance & Health

Measuring Digital Success: Performance & Health

February 2021

Measuring digital success can help executives track value creation and prioritize where to focus next. Paradoxically, so…

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Funding Digital Demand Explosion: How to Reduce IT O&M Cost

Funding Digital Demand Explosion: How to Reduce IT O&M Cost

May 2021

As companies are experiencing a significant increase in the demand for digital solutions, they need to find ways to fund…

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5G is Here: Creating Value on Both the Demand & Supply Side

5G is Here: Creating Value on Both the Demand & Supply Side

December 2020

5G is now available in most parts of the world, allowing for faster and more reliable mobile device communication. Which…

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