
Many supply chains are vulnerable as they are overly designed for efficiency

Key challenges

The recent period has exposed that many supply chains have been designed primarily with efficiency in mind. This is important but a supplier base too remote and too consolidated create supply chain resilience problems. This imposes a series of important questions:

  • What are the major criteria our supply chain should fulfill?
  • How consolidated should our supplier base be?
  • Where should suppliers be located?
  • Where should we leverage our buying power without increasing risk?
  • What is the right organizational setup for supply chain and procurement activities?


Our services

Services include: 

  • Supply chain review
  • Supply chain design
  • Operations automation,
  • Procurement rationalization
  • Logistics/supply chain governance design
  • Design of digital supply chains

Most relevant for: CEO, CPO, Head of Business Unit, Head of business transformation


Examples of our proprietary concepts and methods

  • Holistic supply chain problem solving framework
  • Supply chain KPI collection
  • Methodology for procurement rationalization
  • Selective benchmarks

Selected case studies

Optimising the Operating Model for a Service Provider in the Health Care Sector

Optimising the Operating Model for a Service Provider in the Health Care Sector

An internal service provider offering full service of medical devices across several geographical locations in the healt…

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Consolidation Strategy for a Major Energy Company

Consolidation Strategy for a Major Energy Company

The power generation business in one of Europe’s major energy companies was established as a separate business area and…

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Resolving a Bottle-Neck Decision in a Public Infrastructure Megaproject

Resolving a Bottle-Neck Decision in a Public Infrastructure Megaproject

A public transportation provider needed a strategy for how to optimally put in place a new sub-infrastructure worth seve…

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Supply Chain Optimisation for a Fast-Growing Design Company

Supply Chain Optimisation for a Fast-Growing Design Company

A leading European design company had experienced steep growth in sales over a few years and had not aligned its organis…

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Optimising Sourcing Strategy for a Bioenergy Company

Optimising Sourcing Strategy for a Bioenergy Company

A global bioenergy company, was determined to improve its biofuel sourcing as part of its long-term strategy.

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Combating Rising Ops & IT Costs at a Financial Incumbent

Combating Rising Ops & IT Costs at a Financial Incumbent

Breaking the tech cost curve while customers and regulators drive higher demand calls for a structural approach.

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Selected perspectives

Measuring Digital Success: Performance & Health

Measuring Digital Success: Performance & Health

February 2021

Measuring digital success can help executives track value creation and prioritize where to focus next. Paradoxically, so…

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Fashion Retail: Shaping the Role of the Digital Twin

Fashion Retail: Shaping the Role of the Digital Twin

February 2020

Almost all fashion retailers have moved online. But will e-commerce really make retail stores redundant? Three major str…

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Getting Sourcing and Procurement Right in a Global Conglomerate

Getting Sourcing and Procurement Right in a Global Conglomerate

February 2012

If your purchasing employees are sourcing and your line managers are procuring, you are not exploiting your organisation…

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