Key challenges
M&A failure rates are very high, above 50% according to some surveys. Tech companies wanting to create value using structural growth levers are experiencing many barriers and risks that they must overcome:
- What type of acquisitions should be targeted?
- Is it valuable to split up the company?
- What are the key synergies to be expected and what are they worth?
- What about the cultural aspect?
- How should the transition process be structured and carried out to minimise the risk?
Our services
We specialise in transactions in the technology industry or other industries where technology plays a major role, e.g., financial services, health care. We are involved in the entire life cycle of the transaction, from screening, pre-deal planning, to post-merger integration and value capture after the transition execution.
Services include:
- Market screening
- Target strategy
- Valuation analysis
- Due diligence
- Transition planning
- Post-merger integration (PMI)
- Divestiture execution
- Carve out execution
- Post deal transformation and value capture
Most relevant for: CEO, CFO, Head of M&A
Examples of our proprietary concepts and methods
- Pre-defined methodology for market screening
- Proven approach for M&A planning, including transition towers, governance and management of interfaces with legal tracks
- Day-one readiness check lists
- Synergy assessment sheets
- Transformation planning templates