Key challenges
Optimising customer experience, sales and pricing to drive growth are related to several different challenges:
- How will you bring newly invented products and/or services to market?
- How is a compelling customer journey created, including digital customer experience and physical interaction points?
- What is the potential for optimising pricing via, e.g., increase, differentiation, bundling, value added services, surcharges?
- Which sales channels are the most valuable?
- How should the sales force be organised to be most effective?
- What is the right balance between human and digitally driven sales and marketing?
Our services
Commercial excellence is often a cross-organisational improvement process. We work with sales and marketing divisions, as well as product development and operations on these topics.
- Overall go-to-market strategy
- Channel strategy, including targeting, segmentation, partnering
- Sales effectiveness, pricing and marketing effectiveness
- Pricing optimisation, including national vs. regional, benchmarking
- Online distribution strategy
Examples of our proprietary concepts and methods
- Pricing lever library and sample results
- Commercial excellence process framework
- Sales KPI database
- CRM capability model