Key challenges
Traditional organisations emphasise control and accountability. Many companies also have the need for agility and flexibility. Most modern organisations today want both. This imposes a series of important questions:
- What is the best basic structure for the business we are in, e.g., by product, geography, customer segment, function?
- How do we introduce agile principles without losing control and increasing risk?
- What are the required leadership skills to run our company?
- How do we organise for innovation?
- What are the mindsets and behaviours we want to encourage?
- How do we effectively follow up on performance?
- What is the right setup for remote working, incl. leadership style, culture, virtual collaboration technologies?
Our services
At Oleto Associates we have a value-oriented approach to organisational work. We always use the business strategy as a starting point and excel in the use of scenarios and options as the basis for the management team's decisions. We offer a wide range of organisational strategy and development services.
Services include:
- Operating model design
- Governance design
- Organisational restructuring
- Organisational design, incl. structure, roles and responsibilities
- Organisational implementation,
- Leadership roles
- Working place policies (e.g., from home or office, incl. virtual technologies), Read more...
- Role of the corporate centre
- Organisational change management
- Redesign of customer services setup
- Training academy for select topics,
Most relevant for: CEO, Head of Business Unit, Head of HR, Head of business transformation
Examples of our proprietary concepts and methods
- Framework for organisational effectiveness, realignment and capability transformation
- Change management handbook, including both structural design and overcoming the challenges of changing human behaviour
- Stage gate model for effective governance of decisions and clear deliverables, responsibilities and processes
- Programme office management processes and tools suite
- Collection of best practices for agile implementation
- A corporate governance approach for aligning objectives, organisation and initiatives
- Distinctive multi-lever transformation, a holistic transformation approach combining multiple improvement levers such as lean, digitisation and organisational alignment